This is a sponsored post in partnership with Mary Kay and the InfluenceHer Collective. All words and opinions are my own. As a full-time blogger and content creator, you all know how much my work means to me, and to be able to earn a living doing work that I am absolutely in love with is such a dream come true…
Read MoreI can’t believe that tomorrow is Keep Calm and Chiffon’s seventh birthday. They grow up so fast, don’t they? It feels both silly and somehow perfectly accurate to compare this blog to a person, but in the last seven years so much has changed. The hosting site, the social media game, the content itself—and yet the one thing that never has is my excitement that comes from hitting publish…
Read MoreLately many of my fellow millennials seem to be venturing off of the path of a single job and a single salary and into the worlds of side hustles, multiple revenue streams, and online businesses. I’ve heard people who fall into this group called many things, slashies and multi-hyphenates among the descriptors…
Read MoreThis is a sponsored post in partnership with Spacious. All words and opinions are my own. As I approach my one year anniversary of being a full-time freelancer in New York City, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on the past 365 days...
Read MoreBack in January I posed a question on my Instagram stories: “If you could get a 30-minute coffee with me, what would you ask me about?” The responses I got were varied, from styling advice, to organization, but one subject that stood out the most was pitching advice.
Read MoreThis is a sponsored post in partnership with The New York Times Get With The Times and Her Campus Media. All words and opinions are my own. A big part of being an entrepreneur is to empower yourself with as much knowledge as possible to set yourself up for success.
Read MoreThis may be hard to believe, but Keep Calm and Chiffon is turning seven in June. Seven years I’ve been doing this!! If you told me back in 2012 that my little summer project of creating a website to document my daily outfits would still be something not only that I thought about today but that I actually made money from I would have been completely floored.
Read MoreThe first time I got laid off was in September 2017 and it felt like barely anyone in my industry understood what I was going through. Since then, so much has changed and it seems like every week another magazine folds or a publication cuts jobs…
Read MoreIn media’s tumultuous job climate, there are more and more people today who seem to want to skip all of the nonsense of jobs where they are underpaid and overworked to go out and pursue other creative passions. I can’t say I blame them.
Read MoreI’ll never forget September 7th, 2017. It was the first official day of NYFW and I was so excited to finally be more involved in going to shows as an editor at NYLON. I got to attend two presentations that day and by the time I got back to the office it was 3PM. I quickly ate my lunch and went to a meeting…
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