
Recent Career Posts
Just like in dating, when you agree to a second date with someone it means that you enjoyed your first time hanging out and you see potential with them. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why retaining brand partners is so important for influencers
Today’s post is for my friends on the brand side with tips about how to find influencers to work with their brands—whether that means putting together a guest list for an upcoming event, building their PR list or actually paying to create content.
One thing that I think can help generate passive revenue online for your business is to create a digital product of some kind that you can market over and over again to make money in your sleep.
If one of the adjustments that you recently had to make involves working from home, I’m here to help. I wanted to put together some resources that I made on Jumprope for you in one place so that whether you’re trying to figure out…
Whenever I tell someone that I’m a full-time freelancer, their eyes often light up and they seem to suddenly be under the impression that I live some kind of magical life in an alternate universe. Freelancing is magical in many ways, but often when you’re first starting out…
I will never forget how exhilarating it was when I first shared Keep Calm and Chiffon with the world. Sure, maybe only a few people were reading it then (hi, mom!) but I didn’t care. To have my own space on the internet felt oddly important back in 2012 and it still feels that way now.
Lately many of my fellow millennials seem to be venturing off of the path of a single job and a single salary and into the worlds of side hustles, multiple revenue streams, and online businesses. I’ve heard people who fall into this group called many things, slashies and multi-hyphenates among the descriptors…
This is a sponsored post in partnership with Spacious. All words and opinions are my own. As I approach my one year anniversary of being a full-time freelancer in New York City, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on the past 365 days...
Back in January I posed a question on my Instagram stories: “If you could get a 30-minute coffee with me, what would you ask me about?” The responses I got were varied, from styling advice, to organization, but one subject that stood out the most was pitching advice.
The first time I got laid off was in September 2017 and it felt like barely anyone in my industry understood what I was going through. Since then, so much has changed and it seems like every week another magazine folds or a publication cuts jobs…
In media’s tumultuous job climate, there are more and more people today who seem to want to skip all of the nonsense of jobs where they are underpaid and overworked to go out and pursue other creative passions. I can’t say I blame them.
I’ve been attending New York Fashion Week for five seasons now and this is the first time I’ve done fashion week completely on my own. Back when I was working at NYLON and Interview, I was able to attend fashion week on behalf of those publications. The invitations I received in my inbox were not only plentiful, but were also often first or second row seats.
If you are interested in getting paid by your favorite brands to create content for them you’re in the right place, because today we are going to talk about how to pitch yourself to brands for collaborations.
I wanted to compile some of my top suggestions for how to make sure your email gets opened and answered when it comes to creating influencer pitches to brands and when to send a follow up email after no response.
If you want to work with a brand, sending them a well-crafted pitch email could be your ticket to getting free product or ideally working with them on a paid basis to create content.
I was excited to put together this complete guide walking you through what it’s like to work with brands as a micro-influencer whether you’ve been blogging for a few years or you’re just starting out.
I’d say that pitching brands is definitely the number one thing that I get asked about whether it’s via Instagram DM, in person, or in casual conversation with other influencer friends. I even wrote an e-book about it!
This post will be geared primarily towards digital publications but some of this advice might apply to print publications as well. First I’m going to share some tips about how to get featured in roundups and then I’ll get into how to get quoted in features or potentially pitch yourself for full feature pieces.
Back in January I posed a question on my Instagram stories: “If you could get a 30-minute coffee with me, what would you ask me about?” The responses I got were varied, from styling advice, to organization, but one subject that stood out the most was pitching advice.
Hey everyone, I hope you’re having an awesome week so far! Today’s post is something I’m really excited to share with you because I think it will help a lot of you out. If you’re an aspiring writer or editor, I believe the best thing you can do...
For creators looking to build a sustainable long-term career, it's essential to invest in a long-form, searchable platform like a blog or YouTube channel.
Today I want to share with you my step-by-step process for writing a blog post that will not only get discovered through organic search, but also help you attract and retain your dream readers.
MY blog, I decided, would be a space all my own and I’d focus on sharing my own original content. I secured the domain and on June 20th 2012, I published my first post.
I’m going to take you through how to make money from your blog with four areas of monetization that you can focus on.
If you want to work with a brand, sending them a well-crafted pitch email could be your ticket to getting free product or ideally working with them on a paid basis to create content.
Are you regularly reaching out to form connections with the people who work at brands so that when there is an opportunity you’re top of mind? Keep challenging yourself to make more connections, say hi, and create content that brands have to take notice of.
I’d say that pitching brands is definitely the number one thing that I get asked about whether it’s via Instagram DM, in person, or in casual conversation with other influencer friends. I even wrote an e-book about it!
But how can you start a business with no money? Get crafty AF. Here are eight ways to grow your blog without spending a dime that will help educate you and get you in the best position to have people visiting your site in no time.
A while back I wrote a post about the best photo apps for bloggers and when I checked back in my analytics on my site I realized that it did pretty well! Presenting the follow up: the best video editing apps for bloggers.
Career Advice
This is a sponsored post in partnership with The New York Times Get With The Times and Her Campus Media. All words and opinions are my own. A big part of being an entrepreneur is to empower yourself with as much knowledge as possible to set yourself up for success.
The first time I got laid off was in September 2017 and it felt like barely anyone in my industry understood what I was going through. Since then, so much has changed and it seems like every week another magazine folds or a publication cuts jobs…
I’ll never forget September 7th, 2017. It was the first official day of NYFW and I was so excited to finally be more involved in going to shows as an editor at NYLON. I got to attend two presentations that day and by the time I got back to the office it was 3PM. I quickly ate my lunch and went to a meeting…
If you're currently in college or have recently graduated, chances are you'll have had someone ask you if you've done any internships. Internships are a great way to see if you like a field that you're interested in and test the waters of a certain industry.
As many of you probably know at this point, on Monday Interview magazine decided to shut their doors an. These days it’s not uncommon to witness the folding of a magazine (and this is the second one I’ve been through in the last year)…
For College Students
This is a sponsored post in partnership with The New York Times Get With The Times and Her Campus Media. All words and opinions are my own. A big part of being an entrepreneur is to empower yourself with as much knowledge as possible to set yourself up for success.
I had the pleasure of returning to my alma mater last night to speak at an event hosted by Columbia University’s fashion society all about entrepreneurship and the industry. It was so much fun and I feel like it was just yesterday (but it was really TWO YEARS AGO?!) that I was thinking about my future...
Hey everyone! I'm so excited to continue what I hope is lots of career posts on Keep Calm and Chiffon. This second post with Alyssa (read our first one here!) could not come at a more perfect time because this post is coming about 365 days from the day I received my official offer to join the NYLON team.
Creating content from brand events is a fantastic way to capture the experience that the brand worked hard to plan and create engaging content for your audience.