Why I Dress Up Even When I Feel Like Crap

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As you may know from a recent blog post I did I’ve been feeling very stressed out and disorganized lately, two qualities that I pretty much never associate with myself. I often find that the cure for this is a little bit of self-care. I took one day last weekend just to do some things that make me happy—I cleaned my room up a bit, I filmed some videos, I did a face mask, and then I curled up in my favorite velvet pants (fun fact about me: I don’t own sweatpants!), cracked open an IPA and watched a movie with my friends. But when the time comes to leave your cozy apartment and go out into the real world, it can be hard to transition into a Functioning Human Person when all you want to do is retreat into comfort.

It may seem counterintuitive, but the times where I’m feeling uncertain, unmotivated, and just generally down are the times where I’m way more likely to dress up. I consider myself a very happy and positive person about 99% of the time, but like everyone else I do have days where I don’t want to deal with people or wish that I could avoid certain responsibilities. I hate feeling like crap, but I often find that crappy feeling starts to fade when I put on a great outfit. That’s what I love about fashion so much—it really can dictate your mood and how people perceive you I find that the “look good, feel good” mentality truly resonates with me in this way.

The best part is that getting dressed up doesn’t have to imply putting on a dress and heels, it can really be about whatever makes you feel happy and confident. Maybe that means layering a fancier tank over your usual long-sleeve black top, or pairing a statement necklace with your favorite T-shirt to take an outfit to the next level. I can even feel dressed up in jeans and Vans if my hair and makeup are done. To me, the act of going through my usual routine is therapeutic in a way, because it reminds me what my normal self feels like, especially if I’m feeling further away from her than usual. I’ve found that if I go out into the world in sweats that lethargic and bummed-out feeling leaves my home with me, whereas others may find that it gives them a sense of comfort. Always do what’s best for you, but the next time you’re feeling a bit down, give it a try. You just might find your way back to yourself.

Photographed by Jessie Alcheh | Follow Jessie on Instagram

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