Intern Diary: Working with NYC Fashion Designer Hunter Bell
As many of my friends parted ways for four months of unparalleled freedom from the containment and workload of college, we all traveled down separate paths.
Some sought adventure overseas, some worked in quaint coffee shops, and some threw themselves full force into the NYC intern world. This summer I interned with Hunter Bell. Hunter Bell is a fashion designer who won Season 2 of NBC's TV show Fashion Star. The line is modern, feminine and is produced entirely in NYC.
I'll be the first to tell you that 90% of what you hear about internships is true. There will be coffee runs. There will be a lot of work. And there is a very slim chance you'll get paid.
However, what most articles and sites don't tell you about internships is those shining moments that happen along the way. When a stranger holds and elevator door open for you, or when your boss treats you to Starbucks, or when you discover an amazing fabric store you've never heard of before (Libra Leathers anyone?).
They also don't tell you about the incredible, inspiring and passionate people that you get to work with on a daily basis. I love the HD office crew and they'll always have a special place in my heart.
Speaking of them, check out these photos of fellow interns Grace and Jackie wearing HD!
Some of my tasks at Hunter Bell have included arranging mood boards, sourcing fabrics and hardware for upcoming collections, helping with model castings, creating an office playlist, researching fashion bloggers for possible collaborations (check out Liz from Late Afternoon in Hunter Bell) assisting with the Fashion Star Final Three Sample Sale, as well as suggesting some new social media strategies (see me on her Instagram!) See? It's a lot more than coffee runs.
I asked my boss, Hunter, for her best piece of advice for someone who wants to break into fashion and she said, "The main thing is perseverance and confidence! Be willing to roll up your sleeves and work hard."
Also, among the many articles I've read about internships, if you're interested in an internship in fashion make sure to read this NY Times article for the best tips on how to approach it.
As I'm coming into the last week of my internship I wanted to share my experiences and look back on everything that I've done these last few months. And last but not least THANK YOU to everyone contributed to me having this internship for the summer. T
hank you Richard, Jeanne, Mom, Dad and everyone in the HD office for letting me have the time of my life in the city that I love.