it girl status
It’s not every day that you receive a giant package in the mail from Teen Vogue filled with goodies like free nail polish, an iTunes gift card, and party decorations. But when you do, it is certainly an occasion to celebrate. I was one of ten Teen Vogue It Girls who was chosen to host a Revlon White Hot Summer Party. The purpose: to create unique nail art using Revlon’s 2-in-1 collection. The setting: my backyard on a summer night. The guests: my amazing friends. The result: amazing. If you don’t already follow me on
, you can follow me @jane_aus10 to see more pictures and videos from the party. But here’s a few to show you the event, along with what I wore to it, of course.
Outfit Details
Dress: Gypsy Warrior, Necklace: Free People, Shoes: Jeffery Campbell
3, 2, 1, yours,
Keep Calm and Chiffon